The Forest Genetic resources Trust is a registered charity in Ireland (Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20058043). Further information on the trust’s charitable status and depositions can be found at the Information for the Public tab on the Charites Regulator site
Our objectives:
  • To support and commission research into tree improvement, with an emphasis on broadleaved species, to promote economic value, genetic diversity and species resilience, producing trees with good vigour and timber quality, with the aim of deploying improved material for the conservation of forest genetic resources and forestry practice in the island of Ireland.
  • Promote and support actions and studies which would facilitate the in situ and ex situ conservation of forest genetic resources and its mobilisation into production where appropriate.
  • To advance knowledge of the importance of forest genetic resources and the development of technologies to aid tree breeding and the rapid multiplication of improved material in the context of climate change and threats of pests and diseases affecting the sustainable management of forests in the island of Ireland.
  • To encourage collaboration in the island of Ireland and beyond for new research and better understanding of tree improvement and forest genetic resources to help documenting information on genetic diversity, reproductive material and its identification and utilisation.
  • To promote the benefits and utilisation/of improved forest genetic resources among forestry stakeholders and public